
The Masquerade

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Literature Text

The Masquerade

Final Fantasy XII

Ashe x Penelo

Contains hints of Yuri. Stay away if you don't like.

Final Fantasy and all related characters/concepts are  
property of Square Enix, not me. I am making no money  
from this. It's just for fun.

This story belongs to me, Mereel Skirata.

I can't believe I standing here, right in front of the  
royal palace of Rabanaster. I've seen it many times, of  
course. How could I not have, given all the years I  
lived in this city, yet I've never been this close to  
it. It dominates the skyline, no matter where you are,  
from the Muthru Bazaar or right across town at the  
North Gate.
The walls, the white stone stained red by the rapidly  
sinking late evening sun, stretch high above me,  
reaching almost to the sky. At least, it seems like it.
Banners line the outside, proudly displaying the crest  
of the Dalmasca family, moving slowly in the breeze.
I can see small figures moving around on the turrets  
and balconies above me. The view from there must be  
amazing. Maybe I'll get a chance to see it.

Normally, I wouldn't even be allowed inside the gates,  
but tonight is the birthday of the heir to the  
Dalmascan line, Princess Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca.  
She's turning 18 tonight and as such comes of age,  
assuming her responsibilities to the state. It is very  
important event. All of the civic leaders and a  
collection of other notable individuals are invited.
Not that I was invited personally, but Migelo, the man  
I've come to think of as my father and one of the  
cities most prominent and successful merchants is high  
on that list. And he invited me as his guest.

My nerves are increasing, the closer we get to the  
massive doors that usually seal off the castle. Tonight  
however, they are wide open, sounds of music and  
conversation floating out to reach my ears. Whether from  
the balconies above or the hallway straight ahead, I  
can't tell.
Two guards in full ceremonial armour are standing to  
attention, one on either side of the archway. One hand  
is ramrod straight at their sides, while the other  
grips the hilt of their swords.

Self-consciously I run a hand down over the skirt of  
the dress that Migelo brought me especially for this  
evening, smoothing out the wrinkles I believe to be  
there, bending down so that I can reach all the way  
down to my feet. It came all the way from Archades,  
made of the finest silks that the empire can produce.  
The material is a light blue, shimmering as the light  
catches it. A shawl of the same material is looped over  
my arms, running around my back. The dress is  
sleeveless and high cut, leaving my neck exposed.

My hair is done in my usual style. But then, with hair  
as short as mine, there is not much that can be done  
with it. It is neat at least, no loose strands to be  
disturbed by the wind.

Migelo smiles, placing a hand reassuringly on my  

"Stop fussing, my dear. You look perfect."

That's easy for him to say. He is used to this. He is a  
semi frequent visitor here, what with his membership on  
the merchant council. I think he's stopped counting the  
number of times he's met with King Raminas, or his  

And it is easier for a Banga to dress smartly. He has  
chosen a waist coat and trousers of a heavy black  
leather. Plain and undecorated, all the embellishment  
comes from his deep blue scales, specially cleaned and  
polished for tonight, as well as the small gold rings  
that adorn his pierced ears. He smiles again, his long  
snout opening to reveal his impressive white team, as  
he walks up to the two guards.

"Ahh, Wedge, Biggs. How does this evening find you, my  

One of the guards shrugs. His armour clinking, as the  
movement of his body causes the shoulder pauldrons to  
shift against his chest plate.
"Well, we're stuck out here. Freezing our backsides  
off, while everyone else is guarding a nice warm  
ballroom, filled with the finest food, drink and women  
from all over Ivalice."

His companion chimes in.

"Ahh, stop complaining. It's a nice night, the stars  
are out. And you wouldn't be able to enjoy that fine  
food, drink or women. You'd just be able to look at  

"That's more than I can do at the moment. And who knows,  
maybe some young beauty will take a shine to me. I do  
cut quite a dashing figure in this armour, you know."

Leaving them to their bickering, I allow Migelo to take  
my arm, leading me into the palace.
The hallway before us is equally ornate as the outside.

What would be considered cold stone walls have been  
made more welcoming by the addition of heavy drapes and  
thick carpets, in a wide array of bright colours,  
mostly red and yellow, but with the odd flash of orange  
or brown through in.  The warm atmosphere is made more  
so by the large torches mounted in impressive stone  
sconces that line the corridor. They are a necessity  
because the twilight that creeps in from
outside is insufficient to provide enough light to see  
by. They serve another purpose as well, lighting the  
way to the ballroom where the festivities are being  

So, upon the directions of a steward waiting at the  
foot of the stairs to direct newly arrived guests, we  
proceed to follow the trail of flickering flames.
The other hallways we pass are pitch black, any doors  
leading off this one shut and securely locked, I'd  
guess. Any member of the palace staff or household  
would have to be provided with a handheld torch or  
maybe a small nethercite lantern.
Recent developments in this special stones have created  
a variety that actually gives off visible light, if  
exposed to a certain mixture of other chemicals.  
Another development from the Empire's Draklor  
Laboratory, which has just begun to arrive in  

As we draw nearer, the sounds I had heard from outside,  
those usual to a large gathering of people in one room,  
become more distinct, allowing me to pick out individual  
voices. But not what is being said. The music is still  
loud enough to drown that out. It isn't loud enough to  
hide the sounds that I can suddenly hear behind us.
The sounds of many footsteps, a large group of people  
rapidly approaching.

We both turn, stepping back instinctively as we catch  
sight of them. Even if the figure in the centre of this  
group had been absent, they would still have been an  
intimidating entourage.  Dressed as they are in armour  
bright and polished, with sigils and symbols cast in  
deep red marks, covered by long cloaks that are ebony,  
as black as night.
Heavy metal gauntlets and boots are clearly visible as  
they walk. That is the source of the sound we heard.

But the man in the centre is as imposing, if not more  
so, as all of them. He has an aristocratic face, framed  
by long flowing black hair. His eyes are keen, bright  
and full of intelligence. On the surface, he seems kind  
and beneficent. But, he also has the look of someone  
who is used to being obeyed, without question.

That presence isn't hurt by his choice of attire. Loose  
flowing white shirt, with ruffled sleeves and plain  
viridian trousers.  Over the shirt is another, which  
only covers his chest, made of what looks like scales.  
Bright green scales. I don't want to think what  
creature gave them up to make it.

Yet, he wears them like a military uniform. With pride.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Migelo freeze as he  
lays eyes on this party.
My eyes, however, are drawn to and follow the young boy  
trailing behind them.  He has the same facial features  
as the leader of the group. His younger brother, maybe?  
He could be his son, I suppose.
I can feel his gaze slide over us, like we aren't even  
there. Then he Is gone.
He waits until they are well out of earshot, before he  
speaks, even then he speaks very quietly. So much  
so, that I can't make out what he said. But he does look  

"Migelo? Are you okay? Who was that?"

He takes a deep breath before he speaks.

"I knew the Empire would send someone, but I didn't  
think it would be him. That was Vayne Solidor. He has a  
lot of influence within the Empire, especially for  
someone who has no standing within its military. Yet,  
his family have many connections. Some say he had the  
ear of the Archadian Emperor himself. And those with  
him, they must have been Judges."

"Judges? Who are the Judges?"

"The iron hand of the Empire. They lead the military.  
They pass down judgement on any of its citizens that  
step out of line. Penelo my dear, pray you never get  
closer to a Judge than you just did."

Taking his words to heart, I follow him into the  

As soon as we enter, we are approached by two figures.  
I see the crowns on their heads and my rational mind  
sort of shuts down.
All I can think is that this is King Raminas and his  
wife. This is the King and Queen of Rabanaster.
My mind snaps back to now, as I hear Migelo mention my  
name. Guessing that I have just been introduced, I bow  

"Pleased to meet you, your Majesties."

Luckily, after that, the conversation turns away from  
me. Not that they are ignoring me. But I get the  
feeling that they knew that they made me  
uncomfortable, so they moved the conversation onto  
something I have an interest in, yet do not need to  
actively take a roll in.
Namely, the progress of Migelo's business and by  
extension of that, the state of Rabanaster's economy.

"So, where is your charming daughter? I don't think I  
have seen her yet tonight."

The king smiled indulgently.

"She is still getting ready. She wanted to look her  
best for tonight. She said she would be here for the  
start of the masquerade."

The masquerade. That is what I have been looking  
forward to. It is a dance. Everyone gets given a mask,  
stylised into the likeness of a creature or famous  
figure, sometimes on from mythology or history.

Of each mask, there are two. And when all the masks  
have been handed out, the matching pairs must dance  
together. I've been told that it symbolises the  
destined meeting of future lovers.

At the corner of the room, I see two courtiers enter,  
carrying a chest between them. I catch Migelo's eye. He  
shoots me a little smile, his way of saying 'Go on,  

I make my way over, as the courtiers begin handing out  
the masks. Joining the informal queue I wait until one  
is pressed into my hand. I can feel the soft feathers  
covering it against my skin.  A Chocobo mask.
Slipping it on, I scan the room, trying to find the  
other one. My heart sinks, as I reach the other side. I  
can't see it anywhere. What happens if no one gets the  
other of a pair. Do they have to sit it out or.....
Luckily, I don't have to get an answer to that, as a  
small door on the opposite side to the one we entered  
from opened, and a figure entered, wearing a bright  
yellow Chocobo mask. Slightly nervously, I make my way  
over. The mask fully covers his face, which means I  
have no way to gauge his feelings about this. But his  
eyes, visible through the tiny holes just above the  
beak of the mask, seem kind and welcoming.

He extends his hand to me as I close, leading me out to  
the centre of the area that had been set aside for the  
dance. His skin feels soft against mine.
His long legs adding a natural grace to his stride.

I can feel the other dancers, the other impromptu  
couples, forming up around us.

The musicians begin to play, a slow, soft waltz. My  
partner leads, directing me into an equally slow series  
of steps. I feel the notes and the rhythm swirling  
around me. Somehow that makes it easier to follow the  
dance. Like I'm part of the music. I've always had a  
natural sense of rhythm and timing. My brothers said  
the same thing. That I should have been a dancer. The  
music speeds up, the tempo moving faster now. But I can  
still keep up. I feel a bit strange though. The room is  
spinning around me, and not because we are circling each  
other now. I stare into my partner's face, trying to  
steady myself. But all I can
see is his eyes. Somehow, that makes it worse. I feel  
lightheaded looking into them, somehow. My partner  
senses this, pulling my head into his chest. I can feel  
the soft crushed velvet of his jacket against my cheek,  
the raised lines forming patterns of flowers making  
indentations in my flesh.
He slows his speed, holding me closer to him, my body  
firmly pressed to his, as he supports me.
Something feels strange, but I can't put my finger on  
it. Like I've realised something about him, or should  
have. But  my head is spinning so fast now, my heart  
pounding in my chest, that I can't focus. My mothers  
necklace, the blue crystal she always used to wear,  
feels so warm against my skin. Or maybe my skin is just  
Disconnectedly, I realise the first dance is over. Yet  
he hasn't released his comforting grip on me. And we  
are still moving. Not dancing though. Walking. He is  
leading me somewhere.

I feel cool air wash over me, over my bare arms. Not on  
my face, thought. I'm still wearing the Chocobo mask.  
He leads me to the balcony, resting my arms on the  
parapet. The cool air and the open vista of Rabanaster  
stretching out in front of me, both help me to feel more  
steady. My head is still spinning, but not as much as  
it was. The mask is pulled off my head slowly.
I find myself looking at a woman, her hair as short as  
mine, but a few shades lighter.
For a second I'm confused, looking around to see where  
my dance partner had gone.
Then I realise that she is wearing the same clothes.
Looking closer now, I can see the swell of her chest  
that is a dead giveaway, now that she has opened the  

She leans on the balcony next to me, her arms resting  
in the same position as mine.
She looks a little uncomfortable. I look out at the  
view, my head feeling more normal. The rapid beating of  
my heart slowing back down. The view is as spectacular  
as I imagined. All the little lights of the houses  
stretching out like a field of stars, mirroring the one  
over head.

"Does it bother you that I deceived you into thinking I  
was a man?"

"No. Why did you, though?"
I keep my voice soft, letting her know it didn't upset  
me. I'm curious, is all.

She signs, a long, hard expulsion of breath, as if she  
is forcing away frustration or anger.
"Whenever I appear at one of these functions, everyone  
is always watching me. This is just my way of escaping  
all of that. Of not being me for a while."

She leans out a little further over the balcony, taking  
in the whole vista of Rabanaster before us. Her eyes  
seem vaguely wistful, full of a deep longing.

"Sometimes, I envy the people down there. The freedom  
they have. The choices they are free to make.  But I  
have only seen it from up here in the Palace."

"Then why not go down and see it? Just take a walk  
around. You can't only look at things from afar.  
Sometimes, you have to look at them up close."

She stares at me, as if she had never considered the  

"Do you think it would be possible for me to do that?"

That question seems so strange to me.
"Of course. Of course you can. I mean, why not,"

She takes my hands in hers suddenly. Her skin seems  
even softer this time.

"Thank you. May I ask your name?"

"Penelo. My name is Penelo."

"Thank you, Penelo. My name is Ashe. Maybe...."

Whatever she had been going to say, I never did find  
out, because we are interrupted by a tall man, his gold  
hair cropped short against his head.

"My lady. Forgive the intrusion, but your parents are  
wanting to speak with you urgently."

She turns, her expression which had been so relaxed,  
now seems to carry such a heavy burden, her voice  
suddenly stiff.

"Thank you, captain. I will be there shortly."

"Forgive me again, but they wish you to come  
immediately. If you would follow me, Princess."

"Very well. Please excuse me, Penelo."

My mind starts to work, as she walks away.
'Princess? Why would a princess talk to a commoner like  
me? For that matter, why would a princess feel the need  
to hide herself at a Royal occasion? Not that I know a  
Princess...Ashe... Princess Ashe? Ashelia B'nargin  
Dalmasca. It couldn't be, could it?'

I step back into the palace, the air a little warm  
given the time I spent outside.
Back in the ballroom, I look around, trying to catch a  
glimpse of her. But with the crowds, I can't see her  
anywhere. Of course, if she is the princess, then she  
could be in another room, talking with the king and  

I take one last look, before working my way through the  
tightly packed groups, hoping to see her. Or Migelo. He  
might have seen where they went.

Just as I find him, the musicians fall silent, there  
soft melodies replaced by a loud fanfare. All of the  
conversations stop instantly, everyone turning towards  
the source. The King and Queen are standing on a raised  
dais, a young girl behind and to the left of them. Her  
clothes are different, replaced by a plain white dress,  
but I am sure that is her. Standing next to her, a  
young man with an open, smiling face.

The King speaks.
"Welcome, one and all. For today is the birthday of our  
one and only daughter. It is a joyous day, not just for  
her, but for the whole kingdom. For today, she takes  
the first step in securing it's, and your, future.
It is with great pleasure that I announce that Princess  
Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca will marry the young Prince  

Applause fills the room, as well as many cheers,  
following this announcement.
I see the young man, Prince Rastler I assume, takes her  
hand, giving it a quick squeeze. I know I've only known  
her a short time, but she doesn't seem to happy about  

The evening passes with Ashe and her betrothed being  
dragged around the room, receiving congratulations from  
She eventually makes her way to us, allowing us to  
offer ours. As Migelo discusses the implications for  
trade with Rastler's nation with her parents, she  
catches my eye. Whether she had sought me out, or it  
was just an accident I don't know. But what I do know,  
is that she definitely doesn't seem happy. The concerns  
I saw on her face earlier seem more pronounced now.
As she walks away though, her face has returned to an  
relaxed expression. Or it might be more accurate to say  
she has forced it to be that way.

A few more hours pass, during which I follow Migelo  
around, being introduced to a long string of people  
that I quickly lose track of. No wonder, really. My  
mind is still focused on my meeting with the Princess.  
She has such concerns, concerns for her subject's maybe,  
or concerns about her marriage? I don't know. But I  
wish I could do something, something to easy her  
burden. Surely a citizen should be able to help the  
Princess, just as the Princess would help a citizen?  
But, things don't work like that. I'm not likely to see  
her again.
She's probably already forgotten me.


Okay. Just a quick story I fired out.
I have another chapter planned, so if you liked this,  
let me know and I will plough on with it.

As usual, constructive criticisms and comments are  
welcome, along with general praise.
I like praise, it keeps my muse alive.
Okay, I know I haven't published anything for a while, due to seeming lack of interest.

yes, a few of you liked what I did and I'm grateful for that, but that didn't really make me want to post anything.

Still, this story came to mind.

Hope you enjoy.
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